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Relationships with the Ex

There's a reason why that person is the EX boyfriend or girlfriend! Doesnt matter what was the reason why but now they are in that dogpile of the people who dont really matter to you or whateva the case is!

Im talking bout this because I know after the break up there might be times where the EX want to come back into your life. They call, Text you, of send you messages on facebook! "OHHH WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?" 

One wise person (my last ex boyfriend) told me this: "The person with the least emotions and feelings controls the relationship." Think about it! Have you ever been ignored or been mistreated? all you do is keep on tagging along to that person or asking for forgiveness and attention. Its human nature to be wanted to and get attention, so when we are not given that we try to figure out why.

But what if you are just a forgiving soul??? well maybe you need to re-evaluate who u forgive and give another chance to. BUT for thoses who want that EX to remain in the EX pile here is what you u do when they try to contact you again....

DO NOT reply to any msg or conversations that originate frm them or involve them. All you are doing is initiating a conversation which gives them room to talk and state their case. And women have a tendency to do that and thats how EXs become the boyfriends or girlfriends again! by not replying to their msgs and call they feel neglected and try to figure out why u dont want to talk to them again. If they are foolish enough, they will continue to call and txt you. 

if you happen to run into them somewhere give them the fake smile or nod to acknowledge them or dont say or do nothing at all. Dont get too intimate with a hug or a long conversation cuz that again lead to them thinking that everything is fine and dandy and once again that leaves room to talk. The fake nod or smile says it all. it says " i see you but im not going to give you too much attention!"

If you still hang with the same group of friends who you EX still keeps in contact with and they happen to mention their name or ask about what happened in the relationship, keep it smooth and dont say too much or too little. keep it short and nonchalant. i guess act  like a douche LoL! im pretty sure those same friends are gonna tell your ex what was said, and ur Ex will be surprised that you didnt elaborate. That shows that your over it and really dont want to talk about it.  

TRUST ME THIS WORKS! i been through this scenario many times and they all come back eventually. With these given rules im sure that ur EX will stop trying to come in your life or come back and plea why they want a relationship with you again. now at that point its your call what you want to do.... keep them a EX or have them come back.